'Alert' protests continue unabated
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 22 2019:
Locals from Konung Mamang to Irilbung Thong staged alert sit in protests today against any impact to Manipur as a result of the Naga peace talks and against the implementation of Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) .
Speaking to media persons at one of the sit ins organised by Wangkhei Kongba Meira Paibis at Oriental Leveller Association Club under the aegis of COCOMI, one of the Meira Paibis said that if the Naga peace talks affect the integrity and set up of Manipur in any way, then the people, along with COCOMI, will take up intense agitation.
She also demanded the Centre to act as per the sentiments of the people.
Kongba Keithel women vendors also halted their business for the day and staged an alert sit in at Kongba Keithel.
One of the women vendors, Leikhram Chandani said that issues concerning Nagaland should be confined only in Nagaland and should not involve Manipur under any circumstances.
On the other hand, she said that if CAB is passed, then the indigenous population of the North East region will get wiped out.
If CAB is passed forcefully, the public will rise in support of MANPAC and do whatever is necessary to ensure the survival of the indigenous people, she cautioned.
During the protest today, Konung Mamang Meira Paibi, Wangkhei Angom Leikai Wall Club members and Meira Paibis formed human chains at their respective locations and shouted slogans like 'No to any impact on Manipur's integrity', 'Long live Manipur' etc.
Alert sit ins were also staged at Wangkhei Meihoubam Lampak, Wangkhei Puja Lampak, Wangkhei Tokpam Leikai, Thangjam Leikai etc.