Relay hunger strike continues
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, March 19 2015:
The relay hunger strike of women vendors against the bomb blast at Khwairamband temporary market shed on March 11 continues.
The relay hunger strike has been launched by the women vendors on various demands including the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of the blast.
Amongst others, the demands of the vendors are to light up the temporary market shed, to restrict entry of vehicles and to make the CCTV cameras installed in the city area functional.
Roadside Vendors' Welfare Association president Ksh Jama Devi said that the vendors have already submitted a memorandum to the CM in this regard.
However, other than announcing compensation for the victims, no response has been received towards the realisation of the demands.
Meanwhile, the Pangal Political Forum (PPF) has endorsed the move of the women vendors.
PPF spokesperson MI Khan met the demonstrators this evening and held talks with them.
MI Khan said that the PPF strongly condemns the blast at Khwairamband temporary market shed on March 11.And the front will support the movement spearheaded by the women vendors in this connection.
Pointing out that the blast on March 11 was not the first of its kind, Khan said that there is no clear answer to the moot question of whether the blasts were perpetrated by militants or were stage-managed in order to reimpose AFSPA in the city area.
MI Khan further said that the incompetency of the Govt to conduct a detailed investigation into such events shows its weakness.