NSCN (K)-Myanmar panel discuss CF accord
Source: The Sangai Express / Agencies
Yangon, September 18 2015 :
The Union Peace-making Working Committee (UPWC) on September 16 met with the Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland - Khaplang (NSCN-K) to discuss the signing of the Nationwide cease-fire accord, reports the Global New Light of Myanmar.
The meeting took place at the Myanmar Peace Centre in Yangon.
The accord is likely to be signed by all parties in the first week of October, according to UPWC vice chairman Union Minister U Aung Min.
A work coordination meeting is likely to precede the signing of the cease-fire accord, he added.
The NSCN (K) signed a bilateral ceasefire agreement with the Myanmar Government [in 2012], the vice chairman noted.
At the meeting, NSCN (K) representatives focused on post-accord measures, focusing on its participation in the writing of the political framework and political dialogues, the recognition of its council as a legal organisation and Government protection of its land from foreign intrusion.
Union Peace-making Working Committee vice chairman U Thein Zaw described the Naga Self-administered Zone as a strategic location for Myanmar.
He said Wednesday's meeting would help leaders of both sides to play a constructive role in the peace process and in regional development.
UPWC member U Myint Soe stressed the importance of peace in shaping a better future for the self-administered zone.
Union Commerce Minister U Win Myint pledged his Ministry's assistance to promotion of trade in the region in line with the presidential guideline.
"The NSCN (K) has attended meetings for the drafting of the Nationwide ceasefire accord as an observer five times," said U Kyaw Wan Sein of NSCN (K).
He said he and the rest of the council would discuss whether they would sign the accord with Myanmar Government.
U An Kant of the NSCN (K) expressed his delight at the right to discuss the signing of the accord in the meeting.
Union Peace-making Working Committee member U Hla Tun, a Pyithu Hluttaw representative of the Hkmati constituency, said that their discussions would mainly focus on finding ways to bring about regional stability and prosperity.
Leaders of several other ethnic armed groups are now meeting in Chiang mai, Thailand to deliberate on signing the nationwide cease-fire accord.