Wastes pile up at Khwairamband
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 15 2013:
With local residents raising opposition against dumping of wastes at the dumping site near KRYPSA Ground, Lamphelpat, the immediate impact could be seen at Khwairamband Keithel as discarded/rotting vegetables and household wastes have started to pile up at various corners of the main commercial centres.
Consequent to the locals under the banner of All Community Welfare Association, Langol Games Village and Lamphel semgat Sagatpa Nupisingee Apunba lup banning further use of the dumping site at Lamphelpat since october 12 discarded goods have started to be scattered all-over the main market due to cessation of waste collection activities by both IMC and NGOs contracted to collect and dump the wastes.
Wastes dumped by residents as well as commercial establishments located in and around Thangal and paona Keithels undoubtedly form the largest pile of wastes at the Lamphelpat dumping even though NGOs are also tasked to collect wastes from other residential pockets of the capital city.
As waste collection activities had ceased for the last 2-3 days any further delay in locating an alternative dumping site would eventually mean the main commercial centre turned into a huge pile of wastes.
It may be mentioned that state Government representatives, IMC authorities as well as NGOs had been frequently calling upon the people, mainly involved in trading activities at Khwaramband Keithel to help the State authorities maintain cleanliness in the historic site by disposing wastes at identified dumping zones.