AR makeshift camp vandalised at Hongbei
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, January 11 2025:
Residents of Kasom Khullen have vandalised the makeshift camp of the Assam Rifles at Hongbei village today as they accused the paramilitary force of harassing the locals.
It is reported that Assam Rifles personnel detained one local who was transporting some timber to construct a house for two nights for not possessing a transit permit.
Taking strong exception to the detention, the locals staged a protest and demanded complete withdra- wal of Assam Rifles from Hongbei.
The incident reportedly occurred when villagers of the area protested against the frisking and harassment by the Assam Rifles along Imphal-Myanmar (Burma) road via Kasom Khullen Block.
Commuters have often complained of frisking and harassment by the security personnel.
Local MLA (Phungya AC) Leishiyo Keishing was informed of the detention by the local people, following which the MLA urged the Assam Rifles of Hongbei post to release the person.
Even though the MLA said that the person was only transporting some timber to construct his house, the Assam Rifles did not release the local in their custody.
Furious over the non release of the person even after the intervention of the local MLA, people of different villages stormed the Assam Rifles post at Hongbei and registered their protest.
It is reported that the Assam Rifles personnel fired live rounds to disperse the protesters.
In retaliation, the protesters destroyed the makeshift camp, demanding withdrawal of Assam Rifles from the area.
The MLA rushed to Hongbei and engaged in dialogue with the post commander of the Assam Rifles following the clash.
During the talk, the MLA said that Assam Rifles doesn't have the authority to check transportation of timber.
The MLA told the post commander to furnish the order if the checking was done as per an order from a higher authority.
The MLA said that he will go to Court be it the High Court or the Supreme Court if the Assam Rifles was found given the order to check transportation of timber.
The MLA also said that he will take the matter at the Chief Minister's level as the Assam Rifles did not furnish the order.
Amid the heated argument, some of the protesters shouted in support of the MLA and asked the Assam Rifles to vacate the area which belongs to them.
The villagers said that the Assam Rifles have been harassing them by not allowing them to transport some timber for domestic use such as house construction.
They also contended that they were made to unload timber transported for house construction on many occasions for not possessing transit permits by the Assam Rifles at Hongbei.
Meanwhile, the protesters continued their protest at Hongbei by sitting in the middle of the road.
They said that they won't leave the place until Assam Rifles is withdrawn from Hongbei.