Let's understand our rights, exhorts RPF
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 08 2011:
Ahead of the International Human Rights Day (December 10), the proscribed RPF has called upon all the people of Manipur to understand their inherent rights.
A statement issued by the outfit's publicity secretary T Leisemba categorically stated that all the people of Manipur have the rights to snatch back their freedom which was allegedly forfeited by the Government of India.
The story of the struggle to protect human rights began when the United Nations General Assembly was set up in 1948 .
The UN General Assembly Resolutions adopted on December 10, 1948 divided human rights into two groups; Civil and Political Rights, and Economic and Social and Cultural Rights.
Based on the principle of right to self-determination, the UN has been openly supporting all the movements for political freedom and self-Government in different parts of
the world.
Despite all the challenges, the UN has successfully delivered Right to Self Determination to 11 different Nations.
The UN was also instrumental in granting independence to 15 Nations of the former Soviet Union without any bloodshed.
From 50 member countries in 1945, the UN has now 143 member countries.
The first article of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 guarantees, "All Nations have the right to self determination.
By exercising this right, all Nations can determine their political status and they can strive for economic, social and cultural development" .
Since the day Manipur was 'forcibly merged into the Indian Union on October 15, 1949,' people of Manipur have been waging a liberation movement but the Government of India has been using all its resources to suppress the liberation movement, the outfit alleged.
The Government of India, after perusing the Right to Self Determination of all nations as guaranteed by the ICCPR-1966 and ICESCR-1966, should submit a report to the UN but it is refraining itself from giving any report.
Defying and violating all international laws and UN principles, the Government of India has been continuously working to suppress the liberation movement of Manipur.
Against all international laws, the Indian military has been committing all kinds of human rights violation in Manipur.
Many revolutionaries cadres as well as civilians have been killed by the military over the last many years while many others have been forced to disappear for good and many women have been raped and murdered.
The Government of India ratified the Anti Torture Convention 1984 but contrary to the commitment it gave to the UN, its military has been torturing and harassing the people of Manipur without any restraint, the RPF alleged.
Such repressive measures of the Government of India have only strengthened the liberation movement rather than lowering the people's spirit for self determination.
The distinctive legacy of Manipur being a sovereign nation for more than 2000 years only helped the Manipuri people to stand firm against all sorts of repressive measures unleashed by the Government of India.
It further asserted that all the communities and individuals have the right to win back their freedom from the Government of India.