GPRN/NSCN explains infighting, gives ouster call
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 21 2011:
Observing that fighting among the Naga brothers began after the infamous Shillong Accord of 1975, an M1P, GPRN/ NSCN statement maintained that exhibition of immaturity and senselessness has cost precious innocent lives including many prominent Naga men and women.
For over 20 years the effort to create conducive atmosphere among the Nagas was met with many obstacles.
It is important for all political groups to realise that fighting among the Nagas will not enrich Naga freedom struggle.
Due appreciation must be conveyed to Forum for Naga Reconciliation led by Rev.Dr.Wati Aier for organising the Reconciliation meet in Chiangmai where Isak Chishi Swu, Singnya and SS Khaplang signed the Covenant in 2008, declaring cessation of hostilities among the Nagas.
GPRN/NSCN committed itself to the Covenant but in the years following it, despite the great effort to reason with him, SS Khaplang began to direct home authorities with contradictory orders on the question of Naga Reconciliation.
He avoided the Highest Level Meeting on September 18, 2010 but home authorities endorsed Gen.
Secretary N.Kitovi Zhimomi to save the embarrassment for the GPRN/NSCN since SS Khaplang was the signatory, recounted the MIP statement.
Today after the exit of SS Khaplang from GPRN7 NSCN, Chairman Gen.
(Retd) Khole Konyak and General Secretary N Kitovi Zhimomi have made their intention clear to the Naga people; that Reconciliation and unity among the Nagas is pre-requisite to any political settlement with the Government of India.
Towards this end the Highest Level Meeting among Naga political partties was convened in September 2010 and August 2011 and GPRN/NSCN is a party to it.
Posing whether SS Khaplang and his followers have moral authority to talk about Naga Reconciliation Process when they have repeatedly issued press statements discarding Naga Reconciliation process, it also maintained Wangtin and Mulatonu, do not understand the pros and cons about struggle for independence.
Freedom movement began before they (Wangtin and Mulatonu) were born, it asserted while cautioning that immaturity of the duo should not cause further trouble in Nagaland.
"Chairman Gen.
(Retd) Khole Konyak has a military background but all through his exemplary service to the Naga Nation, he has been more of a peace broker, a mediator between the warring Naga brothers.
Many top leaders of other political groups admit to this fact," it affirmed.
The impeachment and expulsion of SS Khaplang from GPRN/ NSCN was in the interest of the Naga Nation because no one is above the nation.
It is a fact that SS Khaplang is alive today because Gen.
Khole saved him when former Kilonser Hanong was about to kill him, revealed the MIP statement.
There are certain former NGO leaders, particularly in Konyak Region, who are actively propagating against Chairman Gen.
Khole Konyak and GPRN/ NSCN with preposterous claims.
Character assassination of such a respected Naga leader is an affront to Naga nation.
Konyak Nagas perfectly understands who Chairman Gen.
(Retd) Khole is.
The slight confusion in Konyak Region is entirely the work of certain elements such as Powang Konyak and Khoiwang Konyak who, in connivance with SS Khaplang called Khango Konyak at Mon town in May 2011 and organised a feast declaring Khango Konyak as Khaplang's Vice President.
They are also responsible for the attack on C-in-C's Camp in the month of June 2011.The image of KU and ENPO has been tarnished and devalued by anti-Naga policies of these men.
On the question of statehood for ENPO people, Chairman Gen.
(Retd) Khole told Powang and company that he did not object but simply pointed out that at the present juncture, Naga Unity was the most important issue facing all Nagas.
What interpretation is Powang giving to the innocent Konyak people?, it asked.
Public leaders must not indulge in destabilizing the nation.
Those propagating lies to the Konyaks shall be answerable to the people.
Those people who are not for peace will not find peace in Nagaland or anywhere.
This statement is issued in response to the Wentyu Village Meeting in Konyak Region which was carried in the local dailies, the MIP explained.
Meanwhile, citing decision of the National Security Council, all GPRN/ NSCN civil and military establishments have been directed to inform their staff to reach Khehoi Designated Camp within December 22,2011.Those on duty are directed to promptly inform the Chief Secretary on the nature of duty.
Failure to report to the Camp within stipulated day shall invite stringent disciplinary measure, said GPRN/NSCN chief secretary Vikheto Kiba.