Tamenglong set to jab all eligible people
Source: Chronicle News Service / DIPR
Tamenglong, November 16 2021:
Tamenglong district is ready for its Covid vaccination drive with the target set for covering all eligible people who are above 18 years of age.
In all, 10 teams of CARE India under the name 'Covid Vaccination Express' will be carrying out the drive.
Three teams will be deployed at Tamei PHC, two teams each at Tousem and Oinamlong PHCs and three teams for Tamenglong block.
Ten vehicles, free basic AEFI kits, 13 nurses and 14 DEOs are also being pressed into service for the vaccination programme.
All the teams have reported to their respective PHCs on Tuesday evening.
Meanwhile, SELCO Foundation, India has agreed to extend its support with two 4x4 vehicles, 8 vaccinators to improve the vaccination rate in Tamenglong district which is now only 33 per cent.
The SELCO Foundation authority has approved to start the activities from November 16 in Tamei and Tousem blocks which have very low vaccine acceptance among the villagers.
The district administration and District Heath Society, Tamenglong have urged co operation from the general public for ensuring vaccination of all eligible people aged above 18 years.
The vaccination teams will be visiting all villages and there will be a fixed session at the-CVC daily except holiday.
The teams will carry out house to house vaccination activities daily, covering all villages in the district.
The district administration has appealed to village authority chairmen/secretaries/members and also pastors/church leaders to help in mobilizing the people to get vaccinated.
It also sought help for other requirements including accommodation for the vaccination teams whenever required.
Dr Sunil Kamei, DIO Tamenglong, also appealed to the general public not to waste the chance of getting vaccinated to protect themselves from Covid-19 when the God-given vaccine is available at their doorsteps.