Mizoram registers lower growth of GSDP
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Aizawl, July 14 2014:
A summarized version of the more important issues of the Audit Repots related to the Government of Mizoram for the year ended on March 31, 2013 has been released by Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG).
Three Audit Reports (1) State Finances (2) General, Social, Economic, Economic (SPSUs), & Revenue and (3) Annual Technical Inspection Report on Urban Local Body and Rural Local Bodies of C & AG of India relating to Government of Mizoram containing audit comments and observation on State Finances and transaction pertaining to the activities of the State Government noticed in audit have forwarded to the Governor of the State earlier on 27th March, 2014 for laying the State Legislature and the Reports were laid the State Legislature on 9th July 204 .
As per the audit report of C & AG on State Finance, Mizoram registered a lower growth of 15.19 percent in Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) during 2012 - 2013 as against a growth of 15.41 percent in 2011 - 2012.However the tiny hilly State had made significant changes in revenue.
The revenue received increased by Rs.711.84 crore (18.61 percent) over the previous year mainly due to increase in Grants-in-Aid (Rs.664.42 crore).
The total revenue receipt (Rs.4,536.74 crore) was lowered by Rs.259.74 crore (5.42 percent) than the assessment of the State Government in its Fiscal Correction Path (FCP) (Rs.4,796.48) .
Revenue expenditure increased by Rs.811.58 crore (21.95 percent) while Capital Outlay increased by Rs.7.28 crore (1.21 percent) over the previous year.
Revenue Expenditure was higher by Rs.340.20 crore (8.16 percent) than the assessment made by the State Government in its FCP (Rs.4, 168.71 crore).
While, Capital expenditure was lowered by Rs.281.19 crore (31.64 percent) than the projection made by the State Government in its FCP (Rs.888.74 crore) .
Public Debt receipts increased by Rs.194.58 crore (86.21 percent) over the previous year.
The total expenditure of the State increased progressively from Rs.2,772.25 crore in 2008 - 2009 to Rs.5, 146.71 crore in 2012 - 2013 at an annual average rate of 17.13 percent.
Of the total expenditure during 2012 - 2013, the revenue expenditure (Rs.4, 508.91 crore) constituted 87.61 percent while capital expenditure (Rs.607.55 crore) constituted 11.80 percent and loans and advances (30.25 crore) formed 0.59 percent.
The overall fiscal liabilities of the State increased at an average annual rate of 8.30 percent during the period 2008 -2013.During the current year, the overall fiscal liabilities of the State increased by Rs.565.75 crore from Rs.4, 458.45 crore in 2011 - 2012 to Rs.5, 114.20 crore in 2012 - 13.As of 31 March 2013, the Government had invested Rs.20.91 crore in Government Companies and Co-operatives, Rs.85 lakh in Public Sector and other Undertaking of Government Companies and Rs.29.34 lakh in Consumer Co-operatives.
During 2012 -2013, an expenditure of Rs.5, 583.97 crore was incurred against the total grants and appropriation of Rs.6, 294.32 crore in savings of Rs.710.35 crore.
The overall savings of Rs.829.24 crore which were offset by excess of Rs.118.89 core.
Cash balance of the State Government at the end of the current year increased by Rs.67.55 crore from Rs.194.97 crore in 2011-12 to Rs.262.52 crore in 2012-13 .
As far as the State Home Department is concerned, the GoI deducted a central assistance of Rs.1.05 crore during 2010 -11 due to non-utilization of the approved outlay in time.
An amount of 36.51 crore was parked under Civil Deposits, besides, retention of Rs.13.04 crore in cash.
Meanwhile, the Director General of Police and the Heads of District Offices incurred an expenditure of Rs.3.26 crore.
On Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), the State government utilized only an amount of Rs.183.17 crore against the Central assistance of Rs.199.98 crore released during 2008-13.The ICDS schemed was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 2nd October 1975, in pursuance of the National Policy for Children, 1974 .
The C&AG report shows that the State Education Department incurred an authorized expenditure of Rs.127.32 lakh unauthorized deployment of ten Primary/ Upper Primary Schools teachers taken on deputation at the District Project Coordinator, SSA, Aizawl Office.
The District Project Coordinator, SSA, Aizawl under School Education Department had also unauthorizedly diverted an amount of Rs.52.02 lakh from four interventions for procurement of Free Text Books due to wrong assessment of Text Books to be distributed to the students of Upper Primary Schools in the State during the year 2011-12 .