Tamenglong BJP unit to highlight problems to PM
Source: Hueiyen News Service / Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, June 14 2014 :
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Tamenglong Unit on Saturday held a meeting at its Mandal office and decided to highlight the problems of Tamenglong to the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
The meeting chaired by its Mandal President Ph.
Phungan resolved to bring to notice the grievances of the people in Tamenglong district due to the poor governance by the Congress-led State Government.
The meeting also resolved to check the failure of implementing MGNREGS in the district, scarcity of water in town, irregularity of electricity, road and transport, frequent failure of telecommunication and deprivation of TDPS items in the district, etc.
Furthermore, the meeting resolved to strengthen the party through effective enrolment drive in every polling station in four blocks like Tamenglong, Nungba, Tamei and Tousem Block and to organise/ conduct district level political conference/ training of BJP at the district HQs.