Training cum workshop held
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, April 11 2015 :
One-day training cum workshop was held on the theme 'Information/Communication/Technology (ICT) enabled software' on Saturday at State Guest House's conference hall at Sanjenthong.
Departments of Horticulture & Soil Conservation Manipur, Assistant Officer, K Jogeshchandra Sharma said, the programme was held by State Horticulture Mission, Departments of Horticulture & Soil Conservation.
60 officers of Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalaya States (HMNEHS) and National Bamboo Mission (NBM) of Forest Department attended the training cum workshop.
National Horticulture Computerization, NIC New Delhi, Technical Director, Rakesh Vardhan and MIDH officer in-charge, Hafizuddin Khan were the chief guest and president of the programme respectively.
The programme gave an overview of HORTNET System and its linkage with HMNEHS, role of SHM, HMNEH and district officers.
The programme demonstrated HORTNET workflow and its benefits.