AMSMADCA invalidates SMDC's meet
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, November 30 2013 :
All Manipur School Management and Development Committee Association (AMSMADCA) has informed all concerned SMDC's chairmen, secretaries and village chiefs/chairmen of the EGS centres and Unserved Habitation not to attend the emergency meeting on November 30 at Press Club as notified by the self styled T Saka, president of SMDC Manipur in a local daily newspaper on November 28 .
In a statement, AMSMADCA said that T Saka is a self styled president who has withdrawn the court case and in the 6th general body meeting of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan on March 23 last it was decided that every district SMDC should take up precautionary steps to avoid such ill practice and not to yield to pressure from the influential people.
''If any person happen to attend the unauthorized meeting and if they misled the public, the AMSMADCA will not be responsible,'' the statement clarified.