Study root causes of insurgency: PREPAK-Pro to Govt
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, May 31 2022:
On the occasion of its 12th Progressive Day to be celebrated on June 1, the proscribed People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak- Progressive (PREPAK-Pro) has extended revolutionary greetings to the people of Kangleipak (Manipur) and asked both India and Manipur governments to study the root cause of insurgency before offering peace talk.
While offering revolutionary salute to all the martyrs who had sacrificed their lives in the course of liberation movement, the outfit also extended revolutionary greetings and good wishes to all the fraternal revolutionary organisations of Kangleipak and the region.
On the occasion, PREPAK-Pro chairman L Paliba M said that revolutionary groups fighting for regaining Kangleipak's (Manipur) lost sovereignty are not wayward groups and 'Delhi-worshipers' must know the root causes of insurgency.
According to L Paliba, India's unjust annexation of Manipur sparked an armed rebellion for regaining independence and revolutionary groups have been carrying the movement forward.
The public discontentment against the oppressive Indian regime began in the 1950s.India did not respect Manipur's 2000-year old independence and instead Manipur was downgraded to Part-C status, and the passport system was abrogated purposefully in a hasty manner.
According to L Paliba M, the Assembly Demand Coordination Committee of 1960 expressed that 'the Assembly of 1948-49 was abolished illegally; the future of Manipur was uncertain as it was being kept under powerless political status; India had mistreated Manipur as compared to other states'.
Deliberating India s mistreatments, the Coordination Committee demanded restoration of the pre-merger status of the assembly of 1948-49 .
The deception and step motherly attitudes of India had stirred up politically anti-India sentiment among the people of Manipur.
Afterwards, the so-called Merger Agreement of 1949 was declared illegal by the National Conventions of 1993 and 1996.The issue is now not expected to be exclusively for the insurgents, as the people had mandated the causes of the insurgency, he affirmed.
The chairman further said that lack of political order and political maturity of India are amply exposed by the fact that President's Rule (PR) has been imposed 132 times in various Indian states and union territories, covering 31,117 days.
Constitution drafters thought Article 356 would rarely be used and would eventually become a 'dead letter' but it has been used many times as a dangerous political weapon.
During the 75 years of India's independence, paradoxically, a mosaic of around 85 years of President's Rule was added to all states.
Imposition of 10 times PR lasted 2337 days in Manipur.
Over the course of the 72 years of India s colonization of Manipur, in the first 22 years, India propagated their political might ferociously in order to Indianize politically the new Indians - the Kan-gleichas.
In the following 50 years of the so-called statehood, there were six years of President's Rule, and until now, the state has been administratively haunted by the spectre of AFSPA for 42 years.
In Manipur, it has become bizarre that the commanding officers of Indian security forces are routinely flaunting their extra powers of AFSPA as if they are administrators of the state and such behaviours are not found in other states.
A federal country must have a collective agreement among all units.
The United States, for example, was founded with the ratification of 13 colonies.
As part of the legal basis for forming the federal union of India, the merger agreement and instrument of accession were drafted.
However, they were coerced and deceptively collected and utilized.
In the 1948 whitepaper on Indian states, the emphasis was placed on special security arrangements because Manipur is an essential geostrategic state.
So, it was evident since the early stages that India had been intensely interested in expropriating Manipur under Central rule with the deployment of enormous security forces, L Paliba M said.
According to the chairman, Indian federalism is a form of 'holding together' federalism by allocating the arrangement of the 5th/6th Schedule, Reservation, SC/ ST and autonomy.
It is not like 'coming together' federalism as that of the USA.
The Manipur State Assembly of 1949 never discussed accession to Indian Union, let alone the ratification.
People of Manipur must no longer live under this quasi-federal and asymmetric federal India, he added.
Historians assert that India is a land of Truth Seekers of Dharma Niti.
Despite this assertion, the languages have remained partial by bracketing Sanskrit as 'Holy Language' reserved exclusively for certain castes.
Since the early stages, no downtrodden castes were allowed access to religious rituals performed in Sanskrit.
Emperor Ashoka destroyed many temples and murdered his immediate kith and kin, and many Jains and Ajivikas were also murdered.
However, the lion capital of Ashoka has become the symbol of the Indian Emblem, expressing 'Truth always triumphs' .