Will not part with even an inch of land: Khwairamband mothers
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, June 24 2024:
The mothers and vendors of Khwairamband market on Monday staged a protest to caution against ceding to any separatist demand, demand discussion of the Manipur crisis in the Parliament, stop attempt to arrest village volunteers and not to grant an inch of land to the community scheming to balkanise Manipur.
At about 11am Monday, a daylong cease work demonstration was organised by Khwairamband Ima Keithel Joint Co-Ordinating Committee for Peace, wherein a large number of vendors holding placards and banners tried to make their way to meet the CM.
However, they were intercepted by police in front of Rupmahal Theatre, BT Road.
Though the agitated womenfolk managed to breach the police barricades and proceeded with the rally till the western side of Johnstone School, police again intercepted the rally and the women returned to Ima Keithel, where they shouted slogans like, "No to Separate Administration", "Not an inch of land to Kukis", "Discuss Manipur crisis in parliament", and "Manipur's territorial integrity cannot be disintegrated".
Speaking in this regard, Committee convenor Laishram Memma reiterated the demands and cautioned that the mothers are prepared to do whatever it takes to save Manipur if both the central and state governments act against the sentiments of the people.
Questioning the reason behind the free rein given to Kukis by the state government while the mothers are obstructed from protesting to save the state, she said that the attempts to arrest village volunteers must be stopped immediately, when no action is taken up against the Kukis.
Stating that it is no longer the time for the central and state governments to remain as spectators to the conflict, she continued that the village volunteers guarding villages at the foothills and, periphery areas are not waging any war against the country, but rather defending against the Kuki narco-terrorists, who entered Manipur illegally and are wreaking havoc with an eye on disintegrating the state.
Memma further stated that the separate administration demand will continue to remain as a pipe dream, While cautioning the central government against giving away even an inch of Manipur's land.