HRI and FIDAM observe UN Human Rights Day
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 10 2017:
The Human Rights Initiative (HRI) Manipur and Families of the Involuntarily Disappeared's Association, Manipur (FI-DAM) observed the UN Human Rights Day 2017 at the HRI office at Wangkhei Thangapat Mapal, Palace Compound today .
The function was graced by Dr RK Nimai, retired IAS officer and treasurer, Manipur Cultural Integration Conference (MCIC) as the chief guest and Yumnam Ratan-kumar, acting chairman of HRI as the president .
In his keynote speech, RK Nimai informed that the UN Human Rights Day is observed in Manipur like the rest of the world .
It has been seven decades since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was formulated in 1948 though the violation of human rights is still prevalent in Manipur .
He highlighted the various ways in which human rights are being violated in the State, as evident from the excesses of the AFSPA, mob justice, extrajudicial killings, rape and sexual harassment .
He added there are only a few countries in the world where there are no conflicts and violation of human rights on one hand .
On the other, with the increase in violation of human rights across the globe, it has become the duty of those who are aware of it to defend it and make the people aware .
While speaking as the president of the event, Yumnam Ratankumar asserted that every individual has a responsibility towards the protection of human rights.