Launching cum training prog
Source: The Sangai Express
CCpur, March 01 2018:
A launching cum training programme on "Vermicompost production for fertility sustainability and higher crop yield for socio economic upliftment of rural farmers in hilly District Churachandpur" under Tribal Sub Plan, organised by ICAR � Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Churachandpur at training hall, KVK- Churachandpur today.
The programme was attended by 29 farmers of Churachandpur District in which Narendra Prakash, Director, ICAR RC for NEH Region, M Ginzalian, District Agriculture Officer (i/c), Dr PK Saraswat, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Tamenglong, Dr MA Ansari, Scientist Agronomy and Dr Niranjan Lal, Senior Scientist Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Churachandpur as dignitaries.
On the onset of the programme, two Extension folder ie Guava Production and Vermicomposting: Recycling Wastes into Valuable Organic Fertilizer were also released.
Vermi-beds were also distributed to the participants.
The programme was followed by a technical session in which Dr RK Roshan, SMS Horticulture delivered a lecture on "An overview of integrated farming system" and L Basil, Farm Manager conducted training cum demonstrated on Vermicomposting" .