Assam Rifles celebrate R-Day with Myanmar
Source: The Sangai Express
Tengnoupal, January 27 2019:
Indo Myanmar Post level meeting are held each month at various locations along Indo Myanmar Borders.
The meeting for the month of January this year was conducted by Moreh Battalion of 26 Assam Rifles yesterday at Moreh to commemorate and celebrate the 70th Republic Day with the friendly neighbouring country.
The meeting was attended by total of six officers from both the armies.
The Myanmar delegation was represented by Tamu Battalion of Myanmar Army.
The Myanmar Army delegation was extended a warm welcome by Assam Rifles.
The meeting conducted on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day is ceremonial in nature and is conducted to express mutual trust in each other and to celebrate days of National importance.
The joint celebration by both the armies included flag hoisting, friendly interaction and exchange of pleasantries followed by lunch.
The band of the Moreh Battalion of Assam Rifles not only played patriotic numbers on the auspicious occasion but also played Myanmarese tunes to mark the bond of friendship and trust between the two nation which both the nations have achieved over the years.
The Myanmarese delegation was overwhelmed by the Myanmarese tunes played by the Assam Rifles Band.
Both sides expressed their satisfaction on the progress made in ensuring peace and tranquility along porous Indo Myanmar borders and in the region.