Zeliangrong Baudi asserts on ST status
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, December 20 2011:
The passing of the Constitutional (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (Bill no.108 of 2011) by the Lok Sabha on December 19 to grant Scheduled Tribe status to Kabui, Kacha Naga, Zeme, Liangmei, Rongmei and Inpui has been reportedly made possible after a broad understanding arrived at the joint consultative meeting of Zeliangrong Baudi (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland); All Zeliangrong Students' Union (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland); Zeliangrong Students' Union, Manipur (ZSUM); Zeliangrong Students' Union, Delhi, former MP Mani Charenamei, elders, students and members of Zeliangrong community living in Delhi held at Nagaland House, New Delhi on December 12 .
According to a statement jointly signed by President of Zeliangrong Baudi (AMN) Raitu Chawang, General Secretary K Elu Ndang and Speaker Ningthaodai Gonmei, in the joint consultative meeting, it was agreed to let the Bill be passed notwithstanding the procedural lapse and substantive deficiencies on the condition that Zeme Council, Liangmei Council and Rongmei Council should have a joint consultative meeting with Zeliangrong Baudi and All Zeliangrong Students' Union (AMN) in the future pursuit for modification/deletion of the existing terms, Kacha Naga and Kabui and incorporation of Zeliangrong.
Accordingly, a consultative meeting was convened jointly by Zeliangrong Baudi (AMN), All Zeliangrong Students' Union (AMN) and Zeliangrong Tribe Recognition Steering Committee at Namdunlong yesterday, but the three Councils failed to turn up.
So after a prolong discussion, it has been decided to call another meeting with the three Councils on December 28, the joint statement informed.