Sit-in protest staged against arrest of Headmaster
Source: The Sangai Express
Bishnupur, July 15 2019:
Students and guardians of Kumbi Awang Khunou Aided Primary School and Kumbi Awang High School staged sit-in protest inside the school campus in protest against the arrest of the Headmaster of the school, N Bijoy by the police and later took a protest rally to Kumbi Bazar today.
In the sit-in cum rally protest, the students and guardians raised their voice against the police for the confinement of school headmaster, police interference in the academic atmosphere of the school and demanded early release of the HeadMaster N Bijoy.
They also used placards which read as "Save Students Life", "N Bijoy is innocent, release him immediately", "Retd Head Master Devendra is not related to school", "We want free zone education", "We condemn arrest of N Bijoy by police", "Keep Head Master away from school case" in the rally.