Job vacancy
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 14 2016:
The Employment Exchange, Government of Manipur has informed the availability of jobs at various departments.
The office of Chief Engineer, PHED requires 20 posts for LDC (11 UR, 6 ST, 3 OBC).
Another 10 (6 UR, 3 stand, 1 OBC) for the post of Driver .
The Office of Principal Chief Conservator of Forest requires 1 Storekeeper (1 UR), 1 Assistant Cinema Operator (1 UR), 1 Veterinary Field Assistant (1 UR) and 1 Draftsman Grade III (1 UR) .
The Department of Jail requires 7 post for Assistant Jailor (4 UR, 2 ST and 1 OBC), 77 posts for Warden (32 UR, 4 OBC-MP, 12 OBC-M, 2 SC, 27 ST), 1 post for Pharmacist (1 UR), 1 post for Nurse (1 ST), 3 posts for Driver(1 UR, 1 OBC, 1 ST), 7 posts for LDC (3 UR, 3 ST, 1 OBC), 1 post for Stenographer (1 UR), 1 post for Tailor (1 UR), 3 posts for Mason (2 UR, 1 ST), 2 posts for Peon (1 UR, 1 ST), 2 posts for Barber (1 UR, 1 ST), 7 posts for Cook (4 UR, 2 ST, 1 OBC), 1 post for Dhobi (1 OBC), 1 post for Sweeper (1 UR) .