'Sexual Harassment Prevention Week' observed
Source: Chronicle News Service / DIPR
Senapati, December 13 2024:
Senapati district administration, under the direction of the Ministry of Women & Child Development, observed the 'Sexual Harassment at Workplace Prevention Week' at the DC conference hall, here on Friday.
The programme was organised to foster a safe and secure work environment for women by preventing, prohibiting, and redressing sexual harassment.
During the programme, Senapati SDC Panii Ngaonii briefed the gathering on the activities to be undertaken during the observance of 'Sexual Harassment at Workplace Prevention Week', which include forming or revamping the Internal Complaint Committee, conducting sensitisation workshops, disposing of all pending cases, completing on-boarding on the She-Box Portal, and creating a safe working environment in both formal and non-for-mal, as well as organised and unorganised sectors.
LLM, case worker of One Stop Centre, Senapati, Mercy Kayina P, who was the resource person for Friday's programme, spoke on sexual harassment and the relevant sections of the Act.
She also highlighted the responsibilities to be undertaken by employees and witnesses of harassment.
Mercy further stressed the importance of setting up an Internal Complaint Committee, its composition, and the roles to be followed.
The programme was participated by SDOs, DLOs and their staff, as well as police personnel.