TR Zeliang recalled Late Loyem Chang
Source: CMO Nagalnd *
Imphal, October 07 2017:
Gracing the 25th edition of Loyem Memorial Senior Soccer Open Championship, 2017 here at Tuensang Town as Chief Guest, Chief Minister, TR Zeliang today recalled Late Loyem Chang as a pioneering leader of Tuensang Town and a famous Dobashi (DB) who, by dint of his hard work, loyalty and dedicated service to the Government during the most difficult and trying times rose to become a Head Dobashi in the Office of Deputy Commissioner, Tuensang until his demise on 3rd August, 1964 .
"Though I never had the privilege of meeting or knowing late Loyem, yet on a more personal plane, what made me feel drawn to him and his family was the fact that his late son Changkong Chang and I were Colleagues during the mid 90's when I myself was inducted as a Minister for the very first time" he recalled while adding that after the demise of Changkong Chang, his son Toyang, and his father-in- law Kejong Chang joined him in the State Government.
Delivering an inspiring speech for the Students and Youths, Zeliang said that throughout modern history, it was the student community which had always been the torch bearers in the field of education, sports and games, progress and development of the society.
"Development of human beings involves both the mental, physical and spiritual aspects and unless all these different aspects are in harmony, a person will not possess a healthy and balanced personality," he added.
On the importance of sports and physical fitness, Zeliang opined that Naga Society needs to give importance to sports and physical fitness considering the rising popularity of sports and games globally.
"For those who can succeed at the highest levels, they are guaranteed with fame, recognition and wealth; even up to the extent of becoming brand ambassadors for their country," he added.
While expressing dismay that a new generation of youngsters, many of whom are glued to the television and the internet and lack social skills, Zeliang maintained that they lose touch with reality and generally live in a world which is far from reality.
"This has resulted in multiple problems, such as breakdown in inter personal relationships and family values, increasing crime, social upheavals, and health problems etc," he cited.
Highlighting the encouraging performance of Naga youths in the sphere of sports activities, the Chief Minister stated that Mr.Vesuto Medo, Miss Kesen Jwensinle, Miss Menu Tsukru and Miss Pelemno Neikha represented the country as part of the Indian team to the 2nd South Asian Sepak-Takraw Cup 2017 held at Colombo, Sri Lanka and won gold medals in both the men's and women's categories while Olympian Cherkrovolo did the State proud by her performance in archery in the National and International stage.
He also cited the case of Mr.Kilenmeren who represented the Indian National Archery Team at the International Archery championships held at Chinese Taipei from 3rd to 6th July 2017 .
"The Government plans to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Dr..TAo, the Captain of the 1948 Indian Olympic football team in a befitting manner in 2018," he also announced.
While expressing confidence that Naga youths could reach such heights of fame and recognition which had contributed in transforming the economy and mindsets of those Naga youths looking for purpose and direction in their lives, Zeliang advised that it was "important to remember that success would not fall onto one's lap but would have to be attained through hard work and dedication." Stressing further on the benefits of Sports, Zeliang said that apart from health benefits, Sports can teach one about teamwork, to get along with others and to work together to achieve a common goal.
"Sports is also about trust and responsibility and about dealing with success and failure which also help us learn about coping with pressure and the need to stick with training in order to improve" he said.
"As well as the benefits to individuals, Sports and physical activity also bring great benefits to communities through such things as improved health and education, rehabilitation, crime prevention etc" he added.
Lauding the efforts and initiatives of Confederation of Chang Students Union (CCSU), Zeliang said that "the decision of CCCSU taken way back in 1992 to institute this Championship in honour of late Loyem was indeed most befitting." While stating that Loyem Memorial Championship has been doing its part to nourish the hidden talents of the youths in Tuensang, the Chief Minister acknowledged the good works done by the Union "in bringing together youth members for a common cause by holding this championship for the past two and a half decades" .
Stating that the event was an excellent way to bring people together in a relaxed environment that would build lasting networks and friendships across the Society, the Chief Minister extended his appreciation to the Planning Committee and CCSU for their concern and vision.
"It shows that you are guided by the goal of social service to bring about positive change and transformation among their people," he said.
On a concluding note, while calling upon the participating teams to compete in true sportsmanship spirit, Zeliang reminded them to emulate the good deeds of the person in whose honour the Championship was being held.
The program was hosted by Ms.Alem Chang while invocation prayer was delivered by A.Jonathan, Executive Secretary of CBLT.
While Convenor of the Planning Committee delivered Welcome address on behalf of the organising Committee, Biography of Late Loyem Chang was read out by President, CCSU.
The program included Cultural Dance and Theme song presented by CCSU Cultural Troupe and Music Team, BYE TTBL respectively.
* The sender of this news can be contacte at presssecytocmnagaland(AT)gmail(DOT)com .