CCNTHCO dissolved
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, February 06 2018:
The Core Committee of Nagaland Tribal Hohos and Civil Organizations (CCNTHCO) has been dissolved today "since all the political parties had already violated the 'January 29 Declaration' which their representatives had signed at Hotel Japfu in Kohima" .
CCNTHCO was formed at a consultative meeting of Naga civil societies and hohos convened by Nagaland Joint Christian Forum at NBCC's platinum Hall on January 22, 2018 .
"First of all, the CCNTHCO gives its deep appreciation to the Nagaland Joint Christian Forum for having initiated the coming together of all apex tribe hohos and mass based NGOs to find solution for a common cause," the CCNTHCO said in a statement.
"Secondly, after threadbare deliberation with apex tribe hohos and civil society organisations in the presence of political parties and the negotiating groups, the CCNTHCO resolved to dissolve the committee since all the political parties had already violated the January 29 Declaration which their representatives had signed at Hotel Japfu," it added.
According to the CCNTHCO, the first violation of the solemn undertaking took place when the BJP withdrew from the declaration by suspending its State Executive Member Kheto Sema.
"Not content, the party was the first to declare that it will contest the election," it said.
After this, the floodgates were opened and all the political parties started issuing party tickets, the CCNTHCO added.
According to the CCNTHCO, the proverbial final nail in the Solution before Election coffin was hammered in when candidates from various parties started filing nominations whilst the CCNTHCO meeting was still on with political parties at Hotel Japfu on February 6 .
"Under the circumstances, the CCNTHCO had no option but to dissolve.
However, the January 29 Declaration still stands and political parties or candidates violating this declaration shall still be accused by history of putting self before the Naga cause," the CCNTHCO added.
The CCNTHCO expressed gratitude to all the people for having supported the common cause.
"While the Committee stands dissolved, nevertheless, as mandated by the tribal hohos and mass based organisations, its mission was carried forward to the fullest behind a positive spirit.
India now understands that the Naga aspiration is still burning strong for which we are indeed thankful to the people," it stated.
"Finally, it is for the Naga people to judge as to who threw the spanner in the way of Naga solution," the CCNTHCO said.