Gol playing with raging fire, says Nando Luwang
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, January 22 2025:
All Manipur United Clubs' Organisation (AMUCO) president Pheiroijam Nando Luwang has said that the Government of India (Gol) is playing with the raging fire in Manipur instead of putting efforts to douse it completely.
The AMUCO president made this accusation against the GOI at the 19th birth anniversary celebration of Imphal East District United Clubs' Organisation (IEDUCO) held on Wednesday at Kongba Kshetri Leikai Community Hall-2 .
Speaking as chief guest at the event, Nando Luwang asserted that Manipur is burning right now after the fire was triggered by the GOI around two years back.
The present ethnic conflict is not the first one in the state as similar conflicts have occurred in the past.
Such ethnic violence occurred in other parts of the globe subsided in due course of time but there is no reprieve for the present one in the state.
The GOI is still playing with the raging fire in Manipur without any visible efforts to douse it completely, Nando alleged adding that GOI seems to want the fire to continue still.
According to Nando Luwang, the demand being made by Chin-Kuki-Zo communities for separate administration or union territory in the shadow of the ongoing conflict is unreasonable and such demands have to be raised by placing valid documents to the government clearly.
Instead of raising their demand in the right manner, Chin-Kuki-Zo communities waged war against innocent Meetei people using sophisticated weapons including bombs and rockets and did not even spared women and young children, Nando said.
He questioned if such violent acts are acceptable for demanding separate administration or union territory.
Violent acts of Chin-Kuki-Zo communities in pursuit of their separate administration or union territory demand are being witnessed and seen by the GOI apart from the people.
However, these killers are sitting together and having tea with leaders of GOI and holding talks, Nando said and termed it very unfortunate to listen to the demands of the killers.
The right place for killers is jail and not to hold talks by bringing them at the office of minister, Nando said and asked if there is space for killers in democracy.
While asserting that people of Manipur are dissatisfied with the Gol and are condemning its nefarious acts including the numerous attempts to disintegrate the state, the AMUCO president alleged the GOI of triggering conflict on ethnic lines in the shadow of holding talks with insurgents.
Regarding the event, IEDUCO president Dwijo Takhellambam said that the organisation was established in 2007 and has since been participating in different issues of the state.
He said that the GOI continues with their attempt to distort Manipur and create division among ethnic communities from time to time.
The present crisis is also a part of GOI's attempt to divide ethnic communities.
Clubs and organisations and Meira Pabis of Imphal East district will work together to stop GOI's nefarious acts, he added.