GOI agrees Pan-Naga cultural body and an autonomous council for the Nagas, one each in Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh
Source: IT News / Sh Ajit
Imphal, October 20 2019:
The Government of India
has agreed formation of a
Pan-Naga cultural body and
an autonomous council for
the Nagas, one eac h in
Manipur and Aruna chal
This was officially
anno unced by the
interlocutor RN Ravi, the
prese nt govern or of
Nagala nd state du ring a
consultative meeting with
leaders of Naga community
RN Ravi also stated that the
frame work agre ement
signed be tween the
government of India and the
NSCN -IM also consist of
creating upper house of the
state legislative council of
the Nagaland st ate
Asse mbly bes ides
increasing the number of
seats in the state legislative
Assembly to accommodate
and facilita te polit ical
representation of all Naga
tribal groups, sources said
that consens us has also
been created on forming a
"pan-Naga cultural body"
which will deal in all culture,
language an d tradition
rela ted issu es of N agas
living all over the world.
Pointing out that consensus
has also been created on
formin g an auton omous
council for the Nagas, one
each in Manipu r and
Arunachal Pradesh, sources
said that t he working
committee of the NNPGs
and N SCN (I-M) have
agreed on these issues.
Government of India has set
October 31 as the deadline
for all Naga rebel groups,
including the NSCN (I-M), for final consent to signing
the peace accord and
suggesting a conven ient
date for the surrender of
Disclosing that the ministry
of home affairs has sent a
very strong message to all
Naga rebel groups through
the Nagaland governor and
interlocutor R.N.Ravi,
authoritative security
sources in the ministry of
home affairs, told this
newspaper that the central
government has outright
rejected the demand for a
separate flag and constitution
for Nagaland.
Asserting that the central
government has made it clear
that talks at gunpoint are no
longer acceptable, the security
sources said that the NSCN (IM)
and NNPGs (Naga National
Political Groups) have also been
asked to suggest a convenient
date for the surrender of arms.
However, the ongoing peace
talks have reached an advanced
stage with the NSCN (I-M) and
the working committee of
NNPGs, succeeding in creating
consensus on a majority of
On the other hand Nagaland
Tribes Council Advisor
Z,Lohe's appealing to the
Government of India and the
negotiating parties including
NSCN-IM to resolve all
issues within the stipulated
In what is an indicator
of a division between the
Nagas from within and
outside Nagaland, the NNPGs
convenor, N.Kitovi Zhimomi
said that there may be some
problem between the
Government of India and the
NSCN (I-M) but it must not
hamper the Nagas of
The people of Manipur, for
that matter of India too, have
to discuss on how India deals
with another State.
Framework Agreement or any
agreement deduced from it
bring any change in
Nagaland? Is it a move to
save its face, NSCN (IM) tries
to gain a state within State of
Manipur by defining
ancestral land of the Nagas?
Will Naga poor families gain
anything out of the
agreement? Many questions
are before us.
All the demands from the side
of NSCN (IM) are antihistory,
(remember the ethnic
cleansing of 1990s in
Manipur, killing of opposition
leaders in both Manipur,
Nagaland and Arunachal
The wrong
projection of being
dangerous and strongest
groups in North East India,
the NSCN (IM) has a longer
rope so it does not feel its own
limitation so far.
But, the
peace talk may not bring
anything to NSCN (IM) as
But, one should accept
the fact that Muivah is a
good negotiator in a tricky
path, walking with
Government of India , led by
Anybody believes that
Modi who took away Special
Status of Kashmir will give a
Nagaland of the magnitude as
embodied in Muivah's dream.
But, Modi may give away
stronger Naga Territorial
Council or Pan Naga body.
Then, why do not the
Manipuri leaders express
what they do not like
strongly and loudly with or
without showing modesty?
India will not give for sure
Naga Flag or separate
Modesty and
letting ropes loosely for long
will bring nothing but harms
to our hard earned pride and
However, NSCN IM supremo
Muivah's fight its last battle
for a Naga Flag or separate
Constitution for Naga,
whatsoever it is far away from
present day reality.