Fresh encounter again in Khoupum
Source: Hueiyen News Service / Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, November 10 2011:
Fresh encounter between NSCN-IM and ZUF/ Tiger Force took place in Khoupum valley again today at Thanagong around 11 am and the exchange went on till 12:30 pm.
According to the D Rongmei, Home Secretary, ZUF through telephone blaimed the IM cadres for the unwanted incident occurring again in Zeliangrong area.
He claimed that two 'IM' cadres were injured in the incident.
He also alleged that the encounter took place against the IM for repeatedly harassing the innocent public and beating them up.
He said the IM cadres again beat up the youths of Taolingpung, Thanagong and Gatao today.
'Is IM working for Naga Sovereignty or for harassing the general public', D Rongmei questioned.
He also questioned the general public why they remain silent, do they really love the IM or are scared to speak out.
He also said that every social organization should condemn the act of NSCN-IM for harassing the innocent public.