Biometric enrolment exercise begins
Source: Hueiyen News Service / NNN
Aizawl, October 06 2013:
Biometric Enrolment for National Population Register with respect to Mizoram state has begun from Saturday under the supervision of Registrar General of India (Census), Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi, Aizawl District Magistrate and Central government Census Office, Aizawl.
Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla and his family members were the first who were enrolled through Biometric Enrolment system, an official report here said.
Coming from RGI, Deepak Kumar Gupta, Dy Director and representatives of Aizawl DC and Census officials Aizawl were present on the first day of the biometric enrolment today.
In the Biometric Enrolment system, the enumerator collects the biometric details of every citizen of India by way of capturing the Iris of both eyes and the fingerprints of both hands.
Every Indian above 5 years of age shall be enrolled through the Biometric enrolment for NPR.
However, this is not for attainment of citizenship.
Those enrolled through the biometric enrollment will be provided uniquely designed Identity Card called Unique ID (UID), having 12 digits called Aadhar Number.
This Unique ID Card can be used by the individual for verification and proof of identity in banking, mobile phone connection, ration card, passport and for other government affairs throughout the country.
National Population Enrolment has been carried out in other states too.
It takes time as it requires not only personal information but even physical details too.
After enrolment was done with Chief Minister and family at his official residence, it was continued from Zarkawt locality here in Aizawl.
The enrolment will be continued in all the villages of the state by organizing enrolment camp two times each, during which officials will carry out the enrolment task.
Those who fail to register themselves during such enrolment camps will have to approach a particular place which will be arranged later by the government.
Any individual who fail get enrolled during stipulated time will be left out from the National Population Register such that they shall not be regarded as residents of India.
Two Enrolment Agencies namely, LYRA Consultancy Service, Kolkata (LCS) and Integrated Systems & Services (ISS), Guwahati are being engaged to carry out the biometric enrollment task in Mizoram.
LCS will carry out the task in 5 Mizoram districts, while the rest 3 districts will be taken up by ISS.