Massive sit-in demands law to protect indigenous people
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 31 2015:
Though the Manipur Government passed 'The Protection of Manipur Peoples (PMP) Bill 2015', Manipur Land Revenues & Land Reforms (MLR&LR) (7th Amendment) Bill 2015' and 'The Manipur Shops and Establishment (MS&E) (2nd Amendment) Bill 2015' on Monday, various supporters of ILPS across the valley districts continued sit-in protests and hunger strikes.
Yaiskul Hiruhanba Leikai, Chingakham Leirak and Keishamthong Kabui Khul Apunba Nupi Lup staged a sit-in protest at Keishamthong bridge demanding immediate implementataion of a law to protect the indigenous people of the state.
Sit-ins were also held at Yaiskul Moibung Lotpa Leirak, Yaiskul Jamasthan Rising Youth Organisation Bokul Makhong, Moirangkhom Kabui Khul and Yaiskul Chingakham Leirak Loklaobung, Paona Bazaar Governor Road Meira Paibi and vendours of Paona Bazaar, Keishamthong Kendra Apunba Lup, Moirangkhom Boys Club, Welfare Club Moirangkhom and Meira Paibis of Moirangkhom.
Similar sit-ins were staged at Yumnam Leikei Lairembi, Yumnam Leikai Ngakrabam Leirak, Singjamei Mathak Thoudam Leikai while Youth Welfare Organisation and Meira Paibis of Chongtham Leikai, Model Club Chinga Makha Apunba Nupi Lamjing Lup also organised sit-ins.
Demonstrations were organized by JCILPS Committee Heirangoithong, Heirangoithong Bazaar Area Women Welfare Association, Haobam Marak Keisham Leikai Young Friend's Union and Meira Paibis, Haobam Marak Social Union Club and Haobam Marak Meira Paibi Lup, Haobam Marak Kangjam Leirak, Nongthombam Leirak Youth Organisation and Meira Paibis, Pishumthong Oinam Leikai Apunba Meira Paibi Lup, Solar Union and Meira Paibis of Haobam Marak Oinam Leikai, Haobam Marak Ngangom Leikai.
Similar protests were held at Khagempalli Nambul Mapal Meira Paibi, Keishamthong Ahanthem Leikai and Elangbam Leikai, Achanbigei Awang Leikai Meira Paibis and North Achanbigei Development Organisation, Sub-Committee of JCILPS Bheigyapati Leikai, Thambalkhong Meira Paibi, Bamon Leikai, Thambalkhong Social Leikai Mahila Mandal while protests in demand of ILPS were also staged at Wangkhei Ayangpalli Leima Keithel, Wangkhei Keithel Asangbi Community Hall and Wangkhei Puja Lampak Waiting Shed, Kakwa Keithel, Thongju Peechu Lampak, Kakwa Lamdaibung, Kakwa Asem Leikai, Singjamei Waikhom Leikai, Singjamei Mayengbam Leikai, Singjamei bazaar, Singjamei Community Hall, Kumbi bazaar, Kumbi Ithei, Kumbi Ithei Khunou, Ithai Barrage, Naodakhong, Terakhong, Borayangbi.
Sit-ins were also staged at Uripok Tourangbam Leikai, Uripok Panchai Maning and Laikhurembi Leikai, Uripok Khoisana Leikai, Uripok Gopalji Leirak, Uripok Yambem Leikai, Uripok Achom Leikai, Uripok Khaidam Leikai, Uripok Ahanthem Leikai and Ningthoukhongjam Leikai, Uripok Huidrom Leikai, Uripok Polem Leikai, Uripok Khumanthem Leikai and Uripok Yambem Leikai.