SMDC training begins in Chandel
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Chandel, June 23 2014:
A 3-day long Community Leaders' training for members of School Management Development Committee and local village authorities in respect of Chandel and Chakpikarong blocks began from today today at the hall of Maha Area Chiefs' Association, Panchai here with SSA Chandel DPO F Lalzuithangi, who is also the ZEO inaugurating it as Chief guest.
Organised by District Project Office- SSA Chandel, about 100 headmasters and headmistresses of schools and village chiefs are taking part in the training programme.
On the first day of the training today, District Co-ordinator of SSA Chandel KL Arun presented an overview on the Right to Education Act as resource person.
On the second day of the training programme tomorrow, Account Officer SSA Chandel L Lakhikanta would be discussing issues related to maintenance of cash book and updating Bank passbook while and CRP SSA Chandel Wango Ngamlun, would be speaking on 'Unified District Information System for Education' on the third and final day of the training programme on Jun 25 .