Lions Club 53rd Charter Anniversary observed
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, June 22 2020:
Lions Club of Imphal observed its 53rd Charter Anniversary, today at Lions Service Centre, Sangaiprou.
Past district governor, District 322D MJF Lion H Manikumar Singh was the chief guest and president of Lions Club of Imphal, Lion W Sumitra Devi was the president of the function.
The secretary of the club, Lion L Sharatkumar Singh presented the annual report.
Speaking on the occasion, the chief guest recalled that the selfless service rendered for the betterment of mankind by the past members of the oldest Lions Club of Manipur and appealed to the members to continue with the good work.
He also stressed upon the need to strengthen the club.
At the event, the new Board of Directors for the year 2020-21, led by Lion I Gojendra Singh, president and Lion L Swamikanta Singh, secretary was installed by PMJF Lion Dr W Gopimohon Singh, Vice-district governor-II Designate District 322D.The members of the club took a re-dedication pledge.
The annual club bulletin "Lions Bouquet" was also released in the function.
Outgoing president Lion W Sumitra Devi handed over president's appreciation award to selected club members.
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HEADLINES - 23, JUN 2020
SPORTS - 23, JUN 2020
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