Relief materials distributed to flood victims
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 08 2015 :
Chakpi River Flood Affected Relief Committee (CRFARC) Headquarters has handed over relief materials and cash to Chakpi River Flood Affected Relief Committee Chakpikarong for distribution to the flood victims on Saturday.
Convener of the Committee Wng Victor Kohring, in a release said that the district headquarters also extended some cash and relief materials to Joumoul landslide affected victims.
The committee also thanked shop keepers of Chandel market, churches, individuals, groups and villages for generously donating in cash and kind towards victims of disaster.
It also stated that, JCBs are still working on the new diversion road between Serou and Salluk as such the new road which is about 1 km long would be ready for vehicular movement within 3 days, said the statement.
Co Convenor Hl Lovingson, Secretary Langhu Manahring, ANTA and ALT officials were present during the visit.
Meanwhile, MDC of Chakpikarong DCC Warngam Nula extended sincere thanks to MLA of 41-Chandel St.
Nunghlung Victor, Chandel DC Robert Kshetrimayum and SDO Chakpikarong Pradip Chandran for their concern towards the sufferings of people in his constituency.
Talking to media persons, Warngam said all departments in Chakpikarong are functioning well.
The MDC thanked the medical staff of CHC Chakpikarong for opening up medical camps, Chakpikarong area and district headquarters relief committee, ANTA and ALT leaders.
The MDC appealed for a suspension bridge at Chakpikarong market saying that people have been severely affected by collapse of the RCC Bridge in the flood.