Its battle between Mizo & Indian nationalism: MDA
Source: Hueiyen News Service / NNN
Imphal, November 17 2013:
"The forthcoming 7th Mizoram assembly election will be a landmark in the history of Mizoram general election as it is the battle between the devotees of Mizo nationalism and the leaders who want the Indianisation of Mizo nation", said the joint statement of the opposition alliance called Mizoram Democratic Alliance (MDA) formed by Mizo National Front (MNF), Mizoram Peoples Convention (MPC) and Mizoram Democratic Front (MDF) .
Emphasizing the need for propagation of Mizo nationalism as the only urgent need of the time to safeguard and protect the integrity of Mizoram and the continuity of Mizo as a nation, the MDA said it must win the upcoming assembly election for the protection and survival of Zo nation (Zo Hnam) for today and tomorrow adding that the upcoming election will be historically an important and memorable event because it is the battle between Mizo nationalism and the leaders who cherish the Indianisation of Mizo nation and its culture.
"We are sure that we will win the election as it is seen practically from the pre-poll development when voting is just next to our door", MDA said.
"The MNF-MPC-MDF alliance comes upon as the realization of the survival of Zo nation is felt much among Churches, NGOs and employees in Mizoram.
As such, the triple alliance will become more successful than the MNF-MPC alliance of 1998 where it won 32 seats out the existing 40 seats in state assembly seats in the ensuing election, as the almighty God has also heard the woes and cry of the people of Mizoram", MNF leader retold from the statement.
MDA alleged Congress party and Zoram nationalist Party (ZNP) of simply blaming the MNF-MPC-MDF alliance as weak, fragile and not properly knitted.
He said that the Congress party and ZNP without being concentrated on their policy and manifesto, have only made an absurd criticism on MNF-MPC-MDF formation to distort the face of the alliance.
The more they attack the alliance, the larger they face the consequences, the MDA said.
MDA further alleged the Congress party and ZNP of making secret alliance between them by jointly castigating the unity of MDA although they do not exposed it outwardly.
However, inspite of bitter opposition and criticism from the two, MDA is cleared about the picture of alliance and it would achieve success in the upcoming election due to the unity felicitated by the formation of alliance, the MDA said.
MDA said the alliance is free from idolatry, spotting 'Tilak' and practice of offering money to financially poor people to tame them by taking the advantage of their poverty.
"As a result, God will lift up MDA to protect God's land His people", MDA added.
The joint statement read out during the press conference affirmed that MDA is trying its best to establish the government adaptable to Zo nations which would protect the religion, culture and tradition of Mizo as enshrined in the constitution of India.
Speaking about the future of ruling Congress government, MDA said the Congress party will face its Waterloo defeat as people declined its continuity because the Congress government is a corrupted one.
"People want to oust the Congress government because it is the government where law breakers are being commemorated.
It is also a government of drug smugglers", MNF leader said.
Meanwhile, reacting to the allegation, ZNP party said that they do not confederate with the Congress party for the upcoming Assembly polls, adding, the accusation made by leaders of MNF-MPC-MDF alliance that ZNP allies with the Congress is unfounded and is a false accusation.
"We also do not bother to comment on whether the alliance of pre-poll alliance of MNF and MPC is good or otherwise", ZNP said.
"We are to play the final match with the Congress party in the forthcoming assembly election�" ZNP reiterated.
ZNP also said that the accusation has just been made by some timid MDA leaders and their trickery plan is to arouse party politics.
"Attacking others with false accusation comes out of a mind obsessed with party and the same is which the Church detested", the ZNP party added.