S Mangi death anniversary observed
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 11 2020:
Seram Mangi Singh Foundation has observed the 8th death anniversary of Seram Mangi at the conference hall of NIELIT at Akampat, today.
The death anniversary graced by Lok Sabha MP, Dr RK Ranjan as chief guest was also attended by former Minister, Bijoy Koijam; president All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU), Bijoy Kakchingtabam and senior journalist Ahongsangbam Mubi.
At the observance, social scientist Dhanabir Laishram delivered the Seram Mangi Singh Memorial Lecture on "Role of senior citizens in contemporary Manipur society" .
The gathering paid floral tributes to the photo of S Mangi.
At the event, Dr RK Ranjan said that he met S Mangi for the first time in 1965 .
Saying that Seram Mangi took an active role in the students' movement in Manipur in the mid-1960s, Dr Ranjan stated that people of Manipur should always remember his (S Mangi) contribution to the society.