Govindas discusses devt projs with Union Ministers
Source: Hueiyen News Service / MIC
New Delhi, September 10 2014:
Govindas Konthoujam, Minister of Commerce and Industries/ Sericulture and Veterinary and Animal Husbandry of Manipur today called on three Union Ministers namely Nirmala Sitharaman Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industries, Radha Mohan Singh Union Minister of Agriculture and Harsimrat Kaur Badal Union Minister of Food Processing here to discuss about various developmental projects in Manipur.
While meeting Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industries, Manipur Minister Govindas Konthoujam requested her for effective functioning of Integrated Check Post at Moreh and the Union Minister assured him to send a team from the Centre to look into it.
Referring to the construction of the main hall of the Trade-cum-Exhibition Centre at Lamboi Khongnangkhong, Govindas informed the Union Minister that the State Level Export Promotion Committee (SLEPC) approved the DPR amounting to Rs 16 crore and demanded the Union Minister for extending the central share of the construction from the Assistance to States for Infrastructure Development of Exports (ASIDE).
He stated that there was an infrastructure gap in the State owing to Look East Policy.
Railway would reach the State in 2016-17 and the state had to construct warehouses for different communities and Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for multi-products.
Union Minister informed him to place the proposal into the matter.
While proposing for setting up a Multi-facility Logistic Hub at Pallel, Union Minister told him to discuss the matter within October this year.
Manipur minister requested her to extend another seven years of the ongoing North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP) which its term ended in 2014.He stated that only Assam and Meghalaya got the benefit from the Policy and drew the attention of the Union Minister to extend the benefit of the Policy to other six states of the North Eastern region.
Govindas Konthoujam also requested the Union Minister to open a quarantine facility and food testing laboratory at Moreh for testing the commodities and checking livestock coming from Myanmar.
He proposed to open another border hut at Behiang in Manipur neighbouring Tiddim in Myanmar.
Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman told him that she would visit Myanmar on September 25 and appraised the matter.
He also drew the attention of the Union Minister to review the Indo-Myanmar Border Trade Agreement made in 2004 so that advancement of the trade could be brought in view of the economic growth, solving unemployed problems and bringing peace in Manipur.
Govindas Konthoujam then met Union Minister of Agriculture Radha Mohan Singh and stated that the state Government had submitted proposal amounting to Rs 9.42 crore under National Livestock Mission to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry sanctioned only Rs 1.40 crore.
He requested the Union Minister to sanction the remaining amount.
He informed the Union Minister that the State Government had launched Free Animal Health in the Manipur, for which he urged the Union Minister to extend financial help under the Assistance to the States for Control Animal Diseases.
Informing him that the State Government had already proposed a sum of Rs 34 crore for establishment of pony sanctuary at Heingang, Govindas requested the Union Minister to sanction the amount soon.
He stated that modern polo was introduced by Manipur pony.
The number of pony was decreased at 1037 and it had become endangered species.
Govindas Konthoujam then called on Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Union Minister of Food Processing.
During the meeting the Union Minister assured him to release second installment of Rs 1.90 crore for entrepreneurs in food processing of Manipur.
He also informed him to extend all possible help for completion of Nilkuthi Food Park.
She agreed in principle the proposal of the Manipur Minister for setting up a Common Facility Centre for food processing industries in Manipur.