State Ministers/ MLA should not be invited in the Orange Festival: ZB
Source: Hueiyen News Service / Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, December 08 2011:
The Zeliangrong Baudi in a press statement stated that the state ministers/ MLAs should not be invited as guests to the forth coming state level orange festival scheduled to be held on 16 and 17 December 2011 at Tamenglong district HQs.
The statement signed by M.Akham, Assistant Secretary Information and Publicity Zeliangrong Baudi said that in pursuant of the 3rd Naga People Convention declaration of the UNC on 1st July 2010 held at Tahamjam (Sanapati) the ADCs have been declared null and avoid and severed all political ties with the communal Govt of Manipur.
The Presidential Council Meeting re- affirmed the stand yesterday at Sanapati.
While apprising the general public of the decision not to invite any Ministers or MLAs of SPF government, the statement warned that the Zeliangrong Baudi will not be responsible for any consequences over inviting such guests.
The statement further said that all MDCs, Chief Minister and his Council of minister are not welcome in the Nagas areas.