IRHA appeals India govt to welcome Refugees from Myanmar
Source: IT News
Imphal, April 01 2021:
The International Human Rights Association (IRHA) India, in a press statement has appealed the Government of India to accept the refugees from Myanmar on Indian soil on Humanitatian ground, though India is not a party to the united Nations Convention on Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951 .
India can still provides shelters, food, drinking water, sanitation, medical and items of clothing for saving lives as the United Nations Human Rights Council became the UN Refugee Agency, the IRHA India said.
The statement further added that the deportation of the refugees from Myanmar is an utter disregard for Human Rights, there is no difference between people who shoot innocent civiliams and the one who pushed back them only to be shoot and its is an outright dishonor of the Right to life and personal liberty as laid down by Article 21 of the Constitution of India .
The IRHA also said that the action of the Manipur Government to the deportation of the Myanmar people who came running to save their lives is also puzzling and objectionable in view of the heightened situations and incessant killings that could render anyone a victim.
The IRHA India also drew the attention of the general public and urged to raise voices for the people of Myanmar, especially for those who are seeking refuge in India.
"We as a neighbouring country must not be a mute spectator to the absolute chaos that is, unfortunately, overtaking the country, and the subsequent sufferings of the innocent civilian in the hand of the military.
We must unite our thoughts, our voices, and actions for the people of Myanmar", the statement signed by Mark Thangmang Haokip, the President of the IRHA (Manipur State) and Janghaolun, General Secy IRHA said.
It further appealed the Security forces deploying in the Indo-Myanmar border to open gates for the safety of refugees who fled from neighbouring countries on humanitarian grounds for upholding Geneva Convention 1949 and should give them free passage without any obstruction.