DPC result of Primary teachers will be declared within 3 months: DD Thaisii
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 25 2011:
The controversial Primary Teachers DPC result which has created hue and cry among the public, will be declared formally within three months time said Education Minister DD Thaisii.
In his answer to a question raise by Opposition MLA in the Question and Answer session of the Assembly Session today, DD Thaisii said that the Gauhati High Court has directed the state government to declare the result within three months.
As such the government has further instructed the review DPC to declare the result of the Primary Teachers DPC in the said time.
DD Thaisii further said that the State Cabinet resolved to recruit 1423 Primary teachers in its meeting on 12th September 2005.The DPC result of that recruitment was published in a local daily and a Committee headed by Chief Secretary as the Chairman began to probe into the matter.
During the course of its investigation various irregularities and illegalities were found.
After amending all these irregularities the DPC result will be declared.
Answering to a question raised by Opposition MLA Dr Ng Bijoy, Minister DD Thaisii said that the government is discussing on further recruiting some more teachers whose post were left vacant as a result of the retirement of 268 approved teachers of government aided schools out of the total 1461 teachers.
The recruitment process has been delayed due to the banning on further recruitment of teachers by an order of the Finance Department.
To his reply to a question put up by MLA N Mangi, DD Thaisii said that 6257 primary and graduate teachers have received Revision of Pay (RoP) arrears, 2010.533 primary and graduate teachers under Wangoi ZEO have received 9 months RoP arrears, 2010 which have already been sanction.
But with the difference in the pay scale of the teachers their arrears will also vary.
However if there are instances in which the arrears of the teachers are deducted, the government will look into the matter.
Answering to a question raised by MLA L Nandakumar, PHED Minister TN Haokip said that the Sewarage Project taken up along the Shija Hospital and Tangkhul Baptist Church road will be completed in 2012.The cleaning up of the approach road, if at all needed, will be done by the department.
Health Minister L Jayentakumar while replying to an enquiry made by MLA Th Shyamkumar said that there is no provision for upgrading the PHSC at Moirangpurel, Angtha and Top Chingtha under Andro a/c to PHC at present.
To an enquiry about the whereabouts of the Mobile Dispensary vans of the Health Department made by Opposition MLA O Joy, Minister L Jayentakumar said that the Mobile Dispensary Vans are currently being utilized at various health camps.
These vans will be used to transport visiting to health centres where there are no specialist doctors.