ZRO expresses gratitude
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, March 22 2018:
The Zomi Re-Unification Organisation (ZRO) has appealed all concerned to pray and thank the almighty for his mercy, guidance and protection to UPF and KNO who joined hands for a common goal i.e.an Autonomous Territorial Council, on November 2017 .
The organisation expressed its gratitude to the almighty for the smooth progress in the tripartite political dialogue and his protection and guidance to UPF and KNO leaderships and giving a healthy environment for the organisations to pursue their political dialogue.
It further expressed its gratitude to the Church who continuously pray for success in every endeavours and to various civil societies, intellectuals and leaders who have been tirelessly working for the success of the tripartite political dialogue.
It also appreciated the healthy organisation, especially the ZRO, where the national workers strive together inspite of many challenges.