Meetei Mayek Expert Committee
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, February 08 2013:
A meeting of the Sub-Committee of Language/Meetei Mayek Expert Committee was held at the office premise of Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur here today with Dr H Nabachandra, Council Secretary in the Chair.
The meeting was attended by Dr L Mahabir, Jt Director (Language); A Romel, HOD/DDO (SCERT); Babudhon Sapamcha, Jt Secretary (Aca) COHSEM; Dr W Romesh, Asst Prof of GP Women's College; M Shivadutta Luwang, Editor of Hueiyen Lanpao (Meetei Mayek); Sh Tomba Mangang, President of MEELAL; Kh Chandrakanta Meetei of MEELAL and Y Biren Meetei of MEELAL.
During the meeting, Dr Nabachandra placed before the Committee the draft copy of Information and Guidelines for the TET to be conducted for Meetei Mayek for thorough discussion.
After a threadbare discussion, the meeting decided to recommend the same with necessary modifications to the Language/Meetei Mayek Expert Committee as well as to the authorities of the Council to adopt the modified Eligibility criteria of Candidates and cut off marks of 60% for general candidates and 50% for SC, ST, OBC and Physically Handicapped candidates for holding of TET for Meetei Mayek.
The meeting also decided to recommend that the candidates for the TET for Meetei Mayek need not produce any type of Certificate of proficiency in Meetei Mayek.