BIPL provides same old dilapidated road at the cost of health of thousands living along NH-2
Source: The Sangai Express
Kangpokpi, May 18 2018:
Subsequent to the construction of the popular NH 2 since the previous year, numerous people across Kangpokpi district have come under the wrath of monstrous amount of dust causing numerous health problems.
Many children and even adult have reported suffering several health problems in the areas owing to the pollution of air caused by the dust while some raise their grievances in cleaning-the heavy dust and dirt almost every minute, throughout the day.
The monstrous amount of dust generated throughout the day, by the passing vehicles along the Highway, has become not only difficult but intolerable.
Some even claimed of experiencing health issues after travelling through the said stretch only once.
School children, daily commuters (particularly the residents along the Highway) are the worst affected by the dust while the entire areas have already been polluted since six months back, reports our correspondent.
However, despite such menacing health hazard, the people continue to tolerate it with the hope of witnessing the 'best or finest' road as assured by the construction agency, Bhartia Infra Project Limited (BIPL) .
Following the October 6, 2017 MoU, in connection with the construction of the NH-2 stretch between Koubru Laikha to Taphou Kuki (263.00 - 287.00 km), with the civil society organizations under the aegis of Kuki Inpi Kangpokpi District, BIPL had begun construction of the road on EPC Mode in the State.
It may be recalled that after the signing of the MoU, significantly the SoO groups operating in the area also gave a written acknowledgement to the BIPL officials over the construction work solely in quest of good road.
In the MoU, the CSOs assured to ensure the safety and protection of the BIPL workers and accordingly directed the public to ensure the same and maintain cordial environment, which was strictly followed till date without any breach on any part of the Kuki Inpi directives.
Remarkably, the BIPL officials also assured that it will not compromise on the quality of the road and provide the best road which no other company had presented earlier, which motivated the people and forced them to tolerate the dust inspite of various hazardous problems.
However, the latest pictures of the road along the already completed section from Koubru Laikha to Keithelmanbi clearly begged the question whether BIPL Company has compromised on maintaining the quality of the work while the situation of the road also raises questions on whether the road they provided is indeed the 'best or finest' road as promised.
Many cracks developed in most parts of the road just after few days of completion of the work and it could not even bear the onset of monsoon, reports our correspondent.
The old perilous potholes along the highway started haunting the National Highway again shattering people's dream of having a good road.
Saddened with the failed assurance, a local resident of Keithelmanbi said that the locals are not even bothered about their health in the hope of getting a good road and added that their patience and tolerance have been lost in vain.
Another resident of Bimparao said, "We are impatient about getting one of the finest roads as promised by the BIPL officials but we feel deeply hurt to witness the same old road which we had experienced for the past many years" .
The BIPL is claimed to be the No 1 road construction company in the country but it has proved to be exactly the opposite along the Trans Asian Highway No 1( also known as NH-2 in Manipur) .
While some unofficial sources said that the BILP will reconstruct the already completed road considering its failure, it has only raised a big question among the public as to whether the BIPL will really reconstruct the approximately 5 Km long road, after incurring huge expense in the construction.
The reckless drivers are also responsible in polluting the air as they always generate heavy dust due to their speedy driving, the locals claimed.
Even the BILP drivers, with their heavy vehicles, drive along the dusty road fast and furiously without considering the column of dust generated from their senseless driving.
The same is true with escorted oil tankers and convoy of heavy vehicles passing through the areas on regular basis, they added.
The dust could have been somewhat tolerable if all these reckless drivers maintain their speed and adopt an eco-friendly driving manner through the menacingly dusty road.
It seems as if no traffic authority or competent authority is existing in the district to check and control such reckless driving in the larger interest of the people.
Meanwhile, it is also important for the civil society organizations who struck the MoU with the BIPL Company to check how well and sincerely the assurance of both parties have been implemented and also to initiate measures in coordination with the concerned authority to control the huge amount of dust in the area.