Is JNIMS spooked ?
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, July 04 2011:
In a nerve chilling incident, many attendants of patients in the Gyanae ward of the JNIMS hospital, nurses and doctors have been witnessing 'ghostly' affairs inside the wards.
In separate incidents, two women attendants witnessed encounters with the 'ghostly' things.
In both incidents the two women were returning from toilet late in the night.
On their way back, they heard footsteps behind them.
To their horror, they did not find anyone but they continued to hear the footsteps.
After witnessing the ghostly sensation, both women felt unconscious.
Besides the two, many nurses and doctors on night duty also witnessed the 'ghostly' thing.
There were incidents of a cobra standing or floating straight in the air from the floor in the CT Scan room of the hospital and women in white cloaks hovering in the air inside the security wards.
Be it some nasty act of 'ghostly' things or some confined souls or some unknown phenomenon, the recent spine chilling incidents have certainly drawn the attention of many people including the hospital staff.
Patients who are undergoing treatment in the hospitals especially in the Gyanaecology ward drew the attention of the concerned authority to erect an abode for the eerie spirit or the poltergeist hoping it might give some relief to the people who frequent the hospital for treatment.