Tamenglong College celebrates 75 years of India's Independence
Source: The Sangai Express
Tamenglong, March 27 2021:
As part of the celebration of 75 years of India's Independence (Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav), Tamenglong college conducted an Essay Competition on "Gandhi's Role in India's Freedom Struggle" at the College Multipurpose Hall, today.
The competition participated by 20 students was attended by Programme Coordinator, NG Tuakeulung, Assistant Professor, English Department and Moderator, Daidatlung Kameih, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department.
The winners of the competition were- Beauty Kamei, 3rd Semester (First); Namsuandinliu Pamei, 1st semester (Second) and Kaheguile Newme, 5th semester (Third) .
The winners were awarded with cash prizes and certificates by Dr N Daimei, Principal, Tamenglong College.
The consolation prizes sponsored by the Principal and Ninglu, Associate Professor were also handed over to four more participants.
The Principal appreciated the students for their active participation and further encouraged the students to participate in more events coming up.
Likewise, Quiz Competition on "India's Freedom Struggle from 1885-1947" was also conducted on March, 22, in which Meizianlung Pamei, BA 5th Semester; Ntingchile Pame, BA 1st semester; and Solomon Gangmei, BA 1st semester won the first, second and third positions respectively.
Cash prizes along with certificates were handed over by Helen Panmei, Assistant Professor and Head of English Department.