NSCN (IM) slams Ibobi, Gaikhangam
Source: Hueiyen News Service / NNN
Dimapur, May 21 2015 :
Reacting to news reports in the media, NSCN (IM) on Thursday slammed the Congress led Government under the leadership of Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh and Home Minister Gaikhangam stating that the two had the habit of blaming the outfit.
NSCN (IM) in a statement said the leaders had been blaming NSCN (IM) for "every ills and sores" of their misgovernance in Naga areas.
The outfit said pinpointing NSCN (IM) at the drop of the hat for "every incident is ridiculous and mischievous" .
According to the NSCN (IM), it is undeniable that the present Congress led Government indulged in State sponsored terrorism wherein their police machinery become tools for "bombing civilian areas, creating fear psychosis, instigating communal clashes and confrontation in order to divert public attention from the Government's unquenchable thirst for corruption to social discords" .
NSCN (IM) said let the Congress led government of Manipur clarify as to who bombed the office of NPF Kamjong unit in Ukhrul district on the night of May 20."Will you blame the NSCN again? Or is it State Terrorism? Why is the Congress led Government silent on this?" the NSCN (IM) asked.
"Sooner or later the people of Manipur will come to know the true colours of Ibobi Singh and Gaikhangam, the two infamous shareholder of Manipur State exchequer under the garb of protecting Manipur's territorial integrity for their selfish interest at the cost of peace and State development," the NSCN (IM) statement said.
The outfit said the press reportage alleging NSCN (IM) of assaulting one Congress worker in Ukhrul district reportedly due to distribution of money for the upcoming ADC election in Manipur is totally baseless.
"Or for that matters, NSCN has no problem if any locality or group of people punishes candidates or their agents buying ballot through money.
If such allegation were true, it is the duty of the election commission officials of India to take note of it and book the Congress candidate for violating election code of conduct," the statement of the added.