PREPAK calls for mass revolution against India govt
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, December 09 2011:
The proscribed UG group PREPAK in a press statement called for mass revolution against the India government to free Manipur from the Indian Union and regain the lost sovereignty and their the due rights on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day.
On December 10, 1948, 48 nations signed the Universal Declarations of Human rights and no one stood against the declaration.
According to the Preamble of the declaration, member nations of the United Nations reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and pledged to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.
The declaration also resolved to recognise and uphold the Civil, Political, Social and Cultural Rights.
Article 30 of the declaration also prohibits any State, group or person to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the violation of any of the rights and freedoms set forth in the declaration, the statement mentioned.
The statement further added that the most important rights among the various human rights, is the right to self determination according to the United Nations' charter, ICCPR 1966 and ICESCR 1966.India also signed the ICCPR 1966 on April 10, 1979 and pledged to stand against human rights violation.
Contrary to its pledge, India has been trying in everyway to show the freedom movement of the state as an act of terrorism.
International law does not accept terrorism but support National Liberation Movements.
Restoring the lost Self Determination is the basic right approved by the ICCPR 1966 and ICESCR 1966, it added.
Resolution No 183 (1963) and Resolution No 218 (1965) supported the Restoration of Self Determination.
The verdicts of the International Court of Justice in 1971 and 1975 also supported the restoration of self determination.
Resolution No 42/95 of the 42nd session of the United Nations Security Council clearly mentions "Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights", the statement added.
According to the resolution no GA A/34,786 of the 34th session of the United Nations General Assembly, using state force against liberation movement, denying and suppressing movements for self determination is strictly prohibited and any state who acts against the guidelines of the United Nations will be taken as terrorist state.
The UN General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) also prohibit any state to use force against liberation movement and at the same time the UN General Assembly Resolution 2189 (XX), December 13, 1966 and UN General Assembly Resolution 2326, December 11, 1967 allow freedom movements to use force as a means to attain self determination.
Suppressing the movement of self determination is a crime according to International law.
The ongoing conflict between the India and the freedom revolution would never have happened if India did not interfere with Manipur and its people in 1949, it stated.
The India government constituted the Justice Jeevan Reddy Commission to subdue the voice of the people against the colonial Act AFSPA 1958.Even though the commission recommended replacing the AFSPA with a more humane act, the India government has not acted on it.
The dealings of the government regarding the Act and the ongoing liberation movement in the state clearly shows the dark side of the India government behind the mask of the second greatest democratic country in the world, the statement added.
Despite of all the international laws and the charter of the United Nations, the Indian security forces have been violating human rights in the state in the name of suppressing the liberation movements.
Even though people in other parts of the world are enjoying the basic human rights, people living in the state are deprived of the basic human rights with a constant threat to their lives from the state sponsored terrorism.
In view of all these facts, the time has come for the people of the state to unite and fight against the Imperialist Indian Union to retain the lost self determination, the statement added.