JCILPS submits memo to CM; makes convincing presentation on demand
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 08 2015 :
Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) has submitted a lengthy memorandum to the Chief Minister Okram Ibobi on Saturday on the demand for the implementation of the Inner Line Permit system in Manipur.
It was signed by the convener in charge Khomdram Ratan and other co-conveners- BK Moirangcha, Khetrimayum Somorendro, P Arjun Tenhaba, Kheiruddin Shah Moijingmayum and Haopu Kom.
The memo has extensively and convincingly covered the legal, historical, constitutional and administrative aspects.
It explains why it is necessary to incorporate the five points made by it in the proposed draft bill on ILP which is likely to be tabled in the House later this month.
The points refer to the demand for issuing permits or passes to the non indigenous persons, non-alientation of land to non indigenious persons, expansion and smooth functioning of labour department and detection and deportation of non indigenous persons.
It is also contended that the chief commissioner Himmat Singh was not empowered to abolish the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation 1873 since it is a matter covered by the merger agreement.
People were constrained to demand regulation of the influx of migrants in view of the abnormal rise in the population.
In the 1950s the population of the migrants was less than 3000.In those days Manipur had a population of about 500,000.But in 2011 the population was increased to 28 lakh out of which at least 10 lakh are believed to be non indigenous.
If the present trend continues the population of the non indigenous peoples will rise to 40 crore in the next 70 years.
To assert the rights of the indigenous peoples FREINDS came into being in 2006.However 32 organisations joined it in 2012 to rename it JCILPS.
The memo points out that the Article 19(3) of the constitution also has a provision for "reasonable restrictions".
Because of the wide spread agitations the Manipur government had introduced and passed the Manipur Regulation of Visitors, Tenants and Migrant Workers Bill 2015.However the governor refused to give his assent.
There were demands for withdrawing it since it tends to give protection to the migrants.
The government which is preparing another bill has sought suggestions apart from constituting a drafting committee.
Some draft bills had been submitted to the government already.
The government constituted committee had submitted its report to the government.
However, the government seems to be waiting for suggestions from some political parties and organisations on the subject.
Meanwhile, Manipur has been wallowing in various forms of agitations including blockades and general strikes.
One student had been killed in police firing and many others wounded in police crackdowns.