NSCN-K expels CFSB supervisor
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, March 28 2015 :
Serious problem has cropped up within NSCN-K with its supremo SS Khaplang expelling Wangtin Naga, Supervisor of the outfit's Cease Fire Monitoring Super-visory Board (CFSB) today, a day after the latter had participated in the Cease Fire meeting with the Government of India representatives in Dimapur.
SS Khaplang has reportedly notified the functionaries of the NSCN-K yesterday from Myanmar that the outfit "has resolved to abrogate Cease Fire with the Government of India" .
In the statement issued by NSCN-K's ministry of information and publicity (MIP), the outfit said that the office of the Chairman and President NSCN-K expelled kilonser Wangtin Naga and kilonser Tikhak from both the party and the 'government' with immediate effect.
The statement alleged that the duo were found culpable of the anti-government, anti-national and anti-people's conduct.
Numerous instances of hatching conspiracies with India to destabilize the Naga cause have also been established beyond doubt.
It is hereby clarified that any statements issued by the two expelled kilonsers pertaining to ceasefire issues between NSCN-K and India is rendered null and void, the statement added.
In another statement, the MIP, NSCN-K said the unjust peace is no peace at all and 14 years of ceasefire between the outfit and India has become a mockery and futile exercise.
Shallow commitment and politics of deceit have become a hallmark tradition of India to engage in peace and political discourses, it stated. It is a pre-requisite for the two entities to recognise the sovereign existence of the Nagas as people and nation.
"This indestructible truth cannot be obliterated by any forces on the Earth.
The Nagas' sovereign legacy cannot be negotiated or relegated to mere ceasefire proceedings," it added.
The Chairman and the President NSCN-K along with top functionaries reviewed the overall scenario and collectively resolved to abrogate the armistice with India so as to pave a way for radicalised and practical course of struggle to oust militarized political ascendency of India over the Nagas for more than 60 years.
Henceforth all the CFSB members are directed to immediately and completely stop official functioning of CFSB.
Punitive action shall be exacted and defaulters shall be treated as anti-Government and anti-national.