Six Bills introduced on first day
Source: Chronicle News Service
Imphal, July 25 2022:
Six government bills were introduced on the first
day of the second session of
the 12th Manipur Legislative Assembly on Monday.
In the absence of chief
minister N Biren, who is
at the national capital to
attend the swearing in ceremony of the 15th President
of India, power minister Th
Biswajit, who is in-charge
of chief minister in the
former's absence, introduced The Code of Criminal
Procedure (Manipur Third
Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Bill
No 3 of 2022), The Manipur Goods and Services Tax
(Fifth Amendment) Bill,
2022 (Bill No 6 of 2022), and
The Manipur Value Added
Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2022
(Bill No 8 of 2022) .
RD&PR minister Y
Khemchand introduced
The Manipur Panchayati
Raj (Eighth Amendment)
Bill, 2022 (Bill No 4 of 2022);
textiles, commerce and
industries minister Nemcha Kipgen introduced
The Factories (Manipur
Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Bill
No 7 of 2022); and CAF&PD
minister L Susindro Meitei
introduced The Legal Metrology (Manipur First
Amendment) Bill, 2022
(Bill No 9 of 2022) .
In the objects and reasons
of The Code of Criminal
Procedure (Manipur Third
Amendment) Bill, 2022,
it is stated that whenever
an official of the rank of
DC, ADC, SDO and AC to
DC are posted in a revenue
district, the home department issues an order under
Section 20 of CrPC to confer
the magisterial power to
these officials as DM, ADM,
SDM or EM.
This process,
sometimes, causes delay in
conferring the magisterial
power to these officials despite the immediate need.
The amendment proposes to insert a provision in
the Act to empower the
state government to issue
general or special order to
confer powers of District
Magistrate or Additional District Magistrate or
Sub-Divisional Magistrate
or Executive Magistrate to
Deputy Commissioner or
Additional Deputy Commissioner or Sub-Divisional Officer or Assistant Commissioner to Deputy Commissioner or Sub-Deputy Collector on ex-officio basis.