'Majority of land in Palace compound now under Arts & Culture Dept'
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, February 13 2013:
Chief Minister O Ibobi has disclosed that the majority of land in Palace Compound including the office of MFD, City Convention, Hafta Kangjeibung, BOAT, Shumang Leela Counci and the State Kala Akademy has been registered under the name of Arts and Culture Department, Government of Manipur.
He was speaking at the closing ceremony of 9th Shumang Leela Ningtham Kumhei, 2013 organized by Manipur State Shumang Leela Council (MSSLC) at Iboyaima Shumang Leela Shanglen, Palace Compound here today.
The Chief Minister pointed out that the present sites where different offices and auditoriums of the State government have been constructed belong to the then Maharaja of Manipur earlier.
Since there were some problem in buying and selling of the land, the Government has been using it under an understanding.
However, the land, whose value would be limitless in the open market, was finally bought by the State Government at the government rate and the payment was made a month back.
Now all the land is registered under the name of Arts and Culture Department.
The CM observed that Manipuri Shumang Leela is not only an entertainment but it also plays a great role in changing the society by highlighting its issues.
This unique and indigenous performing art form highly valued and respected even by the film stars of Bollywood.
Praising the role of MSSLC in preserving and promoting the art form, the CM assured that he would consider whetherthe MSSLC could be given grant-in-aid like other literary societies in the state.
He also assured that the Department of Art & Culture, Manipur would be consulted in connection with allotment of land where the Shumang Leela Shanglen is presently located to MSSLC.
Later, Ibobi also donated an amount of Rs 1 lakh from the Chief Minister's Discretionary Fund to MSSLC.
Delivering the Presidential speech, MLA K Ranjit observed that Shumang Leela has a great role to play in bringing the problem-ridden state to the right path.
It has got the power to convey the rightful message to the people of the State.
Earlier, the Chief Minister gave away prizes to the winners of best production, second best production and best discipline of Shumang Leela groups of the festival.
"Ee Mari" of Sanaleibak Nachom Artistes bagged the best production prize, Sangai Artistes' Association won the second best production prize for its play "Nungshiba Mapum Puwari Machet" and the best discipline prize was secured Naharol Khongthang Artistes' Association.