ASU expresses concern
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 05 2016:
Anal Lelruwl Tangpi (Anal Students Union)
has expressed deep concern over the alleged
sub-standard construction of staff quarter, hos-
tel and classrooms of Chakpikarong
Government Higher Secondary School and
Toupokpi Government High School.
In a statement, the union stated that the
staff quarter which is under construction
might collapse sooner than expected.
struction of school hostel has halted after
completing just over 30 percent of construc-
tion work while the classrooms of Toupokpi
Govt High School are in deplorable condi-
Many projects undertaken under RMSA
have failed to give emphasis on its qualita-
tive aspects, the union alleged.
Stating that Chakpikarong Government
Higher Secondary School is the only educa-
tional institution in the sub-division, the
union appealed to the education Minister to
depute adequate staff members and provide
required facilities such as science lab, library
and concrete compound fencing.