Demonstration programme held for development of fruit village at Chakpikarong
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 31 2022:
All India Coordinated Research Project (Fruits)- Mango, College of Agriculture (CoA) , Iroisemba , Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal under the aegis of ICAR-AICRP (Fruits), IIHR, Bengaluru has taken up a programme for establishment of fruit village at Chakpikarong in Chandel district.
The motto of the programme is to bring the mindset of the villager towards the development of a fruit village sufficient to meet the local requirement of the masses of the village in term of nutrition for a healthy life apart from effort to conserve a friendly ecology in the long run and generation of income.
The overall development of the activity may lead to opening of avenues for creation of agro-tourism in the future, said a press release by CoA, CAU Imphal.
A demonstration programme was held where inputs like planting materials of fruits, spice crops, organic manures, plant protection chemicals along with chemical fertilizers were given to the farmers.
During the programme, Dr RK Dilip Singh, Professor Department of Horticulture, CoA and Officer-incharge, AICRP(F)-Mango,CAU, Imphal Centre and Dr S Romen, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, CoA associated scientist AICRP(F)-mango along with staff of AICRP(F)-Mango, Imphal have demonstrated the scientific approach of Orchard layout.
Ws Ruwngwar Anal, Secretary, Chakpikarong village acted as the team leader.
Due attention was given in layout since establishment of a fruit village is a long term venture and any mistake made in the beginning will be very difficult to rectify later.
The distributed planting materials included mango, litchi and sapota with a view to promote and popularize the potentiality of the fruit crops in the State in general and Chakpikarong in particular.
During the demonstration programme , the farmers were explained about the proper way of handling the sapling in the process of planting.
Further, the necessity of opening pits was highlighted and the extra care to be taken during planting operations was shown.
To generate income during the initial stage of orchard life provision for growing intercrops like ginger, turmeric, colocasia and pulses etc.
were demonstrated.
The villagers expressed their satisfaction and happiness for initiating one such programme in their village.
The farmers also proposed to take up periodical awareness programmes for more understanding of the activity and for further advancement of the programme, added the release.